Archive | December 2013

Day 10: DIY Household tips

Use egg boxes to store delicate Christmas tree decorations ( M sure u guys gonna love this tip 😉


To tell if eggs are fresh, immerse them in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will lie on the bottom, while stale eggs will float to the surface.


When hanging a picture frame, put a dab of toothpaste on the frame where you need the nails to be. Then simply press against the wall to leave marks (which can later be wiped) as guides for hammering in.


Use a lint roller to clean the bottom of your handbag …


Make a simple laundry bag using an old pillowcase and an embroidery hoop….


Use a tension rod and shower hooks to store saucepans inside a cupboard..


Day 9: Household Tips

Boil orange peel and cloves to get rid of unpleasant smells in the kitchen.


Use a Post-It note when drilling to catch the dust


Hang onions in cut-up tights or old stockings to make them last for months!


Use a paper plate to prevent splatters when using an electric whisk.


Place a layer of waxed paper on top of kitchen cupboards to prevent grease and dust from settling. Switch out every few months to keep them clean.


Flip a toaster on its side to make grill cheese


Water  straight from the tap becomes cloudy when frozen. To make ice cubes crystal clear, allow a kettle of boiled water to cool slightly and use this to fill your ice cube trays.


Use a large muffin tin to cook stuffed peppers in the oven – it will help keep them upright.


Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when hard-boiling eggs to make the shells incredibly easy to peel off.


Use bread tags to label power cords.


Hope you guys find the tips helpful .. Enjoy reading n experimenting … don’t forget to comments 🙂